Google Announces Rollout Of August 2023 Core Search Update

Google announced on August 22, 2023, that it had released the August 2023 core update. This is the second broad core algorithm update of 2023; the previous core update was the March 2023 core update, which started rolling out on March 15 and was completed on March 28.

Google core updates are changes to the algorithm that Google uses to rank websites in search results. These updates are designed to improve the quality of search results by ensuring that the most relevant and helpful pages are ranked highest.

The August 2023 core update is not focused on any particular aspect of search but rather on improving the ranking algorithm overall. This means that any website could see changes in its ranking, both positive and negative.

Google says the August 2023 core update will take up to two weeks to roll out fully. During this time, website rankings may fluctuate.

If you see your website’s ranking change after the August 2023 core update, don’t panic. These updates are designed to improve the quality of search results, and sometimes, this means that some pages will need to be re-ranked. Google emphasizes that a decline in performance after a core update does not necessarily mean a problem with your website.

Google announced this on Twitter.

Google recommends that you:

  • Wait and see. Google core updates can take several weeks to fully roll out, so your rankings may return to normal over time.
  • Continue to create high-quality content. This is the most important thing you can do to improve your website’s search ranking.
  • Monitor your rankings. Use a tool like Google Search Console to track your website’s rankings for your target keywords.
  • Make changes to your website. If your rankings are not improving, you may need to change your website, such as improving your content or fixing technical errors.

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