Framing In Computer Network Data Link Layer With Types

In order to provide services to the Network Layer, the Data Link Layer must use the service provided to it by the Physical Layer. What the Physical Layer does is, accept a raw bit stream and attempt to deliver the data to the destination. The bit stream is not guaranteed to be error-free. the number of bits received may be less than or equal to or more than the number of bits that were transmitted and they have different values. It is the task of the Data Link Layer to provide the error-free transmission of the data. The usual approach is for the Data Link Layer to break the bitstream up into discrete frames and compute the checksum for each frame. When the frame arrives at the destination the checksum is recomputed. If the newly computed checksum is different from the one contained in the frame, the Data Link Layer knows that an error has occurred and takes the necessary steps to deal with it.

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What Are Common Uses of Internet


Individuals, businesses, business people, and groups largely utilize the Internet as a means of communication, with less reliance on fax machines, telephones, and the postal service. Common uses of the internet are:- Transfer of data Remote accessing E-mailing File sharing Audio, Video, and Graphics World Wide Web FTP Chat Telnet Newsgroup Transfer of data: internet … Read more

Transmission Modes


Transmission modes is the way data flows from the source to the destination. There are three modes of data transmission. Data can be transmitted in any one of them. These are as follows:-

  • Simplex Mode
  • Half-Duplex Mode
  • Full-Duplex Mode

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Applications of Computer Network

Computer network applications are software programs that use the Internet or other network infrastructure technology to carry out useful tasks, including file transfers inside a network. They aid in the movement of data throughout the network from one location to another.

Some of the network applications in different fields are as follows:-

  1. Marketing and Sales:- Computer networks are used extensively in marketing and sales organizations. Marketing professionals use them to collect, exchange and analyze data relating to customer needs and product development cycles. Sales applications include Tele-Shopping, which uses Order-Entry Computers or telephones connected to order processing networks and online reservation services for hotels, airlines, and so on.

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Methods of Data Transmission

For data transmission various methods are used:-

  • Synchronous Transmission
  • Asynchronous Transmission

Synchronous Transmission

This method of data transmission involves block of characters that are transmitted at regular time sequences. Each of the block of characters is marked with synchronization characters. The receiving end, accepts the data block, till it detects the ending character or after a predefined number of characters are received, indicating end of a message.

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Multiplexer and Demultiplexer

In computer networks, multiplexing is used to refer to a process where multiple channels are combined together to form a single bandwidth, and is transferred across the communication media. As we have cable in t.v. which gives plenty of channels in a single wire. This technique helps in making the transmission more inexpensive by transmitting the expensive signals. The device which perform this task is known as Multiplexer ( MUX ). So, it reveals that the multiplexing is a process of combining many channels in to one single bandwidth.

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Congestion in Network

Data is transferred from the source to the destination in a network. Sometimes the data is transferred in bulk in the network which affects the traffic. Now, if the traffic gets more and more in the network, therefore increasing the congestion. This leads to delay in data receiving or sending packet loss, and blocking of the connection resulting in the capacity of the network.

Network Congestion:- Network protocols are there which help in reducing the network traffic, by taking the SHORTEST PATH ALGORITHM which says that, the data is routed by seeing the shortest path of the desired destination.

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Article Writing and Submission of Articles

Article Submission is the way to promote your website and link that produces true results almost immediately. Our specialists provide you with full reports to ensure that you stay on top of your link campaign. Article submission is a service in which individuals can search and required documents through any keyword. As name keyword depicts that it is a key, but the key for searching any article or any document. This helps a person not to waste any time just searching. Keywords help to give a response(document) in which it is found.

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